Anyway, back to my point. Shortly after the stolen ACORN-style election of Barak Hussain Obama, the Republican National Committee (RNC) was in need of a leader. They had a vote between five folks, two of which are African American. Ken Blackwell, who has been praised in a previous CLF post, was up, as was Michael Steele, who ultimately won. I can tell you, there's nothing at all odd about the Republicans having 40% of their candidates being black just because Americans supposedly voted for a black man. The Republicans weren't pandering, they were clearly selecting the most qualified. Proof positive that the Republicans aren't racist.
Michael Steele, for the most part, has proven himself to be a competent manager who can really speak to the people. For instance, he described the new strategy to express conservative principles to a younger audience.....
We want to convey that the modern-day GOP looks like the conservative party that stands on principles. But we want to apply them to urban-surburban hip-hop settings.
He showed his ability to explain complex economic policies, like the fiscal stimulus, in simple, but accurate, terms...
[The Stimulus] is just a wish list from a lot of people who have been on the sidelines for years.. to get a little bling, bling.
After that, he encouraged visitors to the RNC blog to post their comments, asking them "What up?"....

Clearly, Mr. Steele is a man committed to in-depth policy analysis and intellectual debates. His race or possible appeal to other democraphics have nothing to do with his position. Just like when McCain picked Sarah Palin as VP. It was based on her accomplishments, not any demographic concern.
But did this record of accomplishment on the part of Mr. Steele sway the liberal lamestream media establishment? Of course not. One of the favorite shows of the lefty, latte sipping, liberal set is the Daily Show. Recently, the RNC was snared in some liberal trick, in which some RNC funds were directed to some heathenistic erotic show. Clearly, this is the work of a liberal mole. No self-respecting Republican would venture anywhere near such filth.
So of course, the lamestream media jumps all over this non-story, just to make Republicans look bad. And this group of nasty liberals at the Daily Show take the oppurtunity to ridicule Michael Steele. But do they invite him on to explain this non-story? No, they use a muppet to ridicule him further.

Personally, I don't see the resemblance. But whatever. The liberal smear merchants go on to display a bunch of racial stereotypes, such as making muppet Michael Steele say silly things like "hilbidy bilbidy" and "hammertime". Plus, they pick a "blue" muppet to portray an African American. This is just blatant racism. Here's a video of the appalling racism if you can stomach it.
The Daily Show With Jon Stewart | Mon - Thurs 11p / 10c | |||
Michael Steele Plays the Race Card | ||||
Michael Steele did nothing to deserve this portrayal. It shows how horrible this lamestream media liberals are to show such little respect. Portraying Michael Steele as some kind of pandering and out-of-touch doofus is just beyond the pale. Certainly no REAL American would do anything like that.
That's what I said, sugar-bread!
What Up?! Yo, I think the bling bling was just the way the liberals decided to dress up their movement towards the one world global economy/rule (and the coming end of the world and the rapture of conservatives, etc). They are doing whatever they can to ruin the United States.
Although, I guess since things are looking up around the world, economy wise, their stimulus wasn't successful in ushering in the age of the anti-Christ (aka Barrack H. Obama). In fact, it looks like they might have saved us from global economic collapse rather than selling us out to foreign regimes. Huh, leave it to those liberals to screw up their original plan and then try to spin it like they wanted to save economy. Lame...
I did not understand one word of what Michael Steele's puppet said. It was like listening to a blue Beavis. Republicans must not embrace this Ebonic plague. We must preserve the English language. We cannot let these new phrases and words into our everyday speech just as our language has historically been static.
and Michelle Shame on you.
Marv, why is you frontin'?
wfp, prior to November 4, 2008, and more specifically Jan. 20, 2009, our global economy was still fine. It wasn't until Obamism and reckless spending did things start to fall apart. Remember, 8+ years of conservative rule has no bearing on future economic outcomes, while less than 100 days of socialistic liberal rule always creates economic ruin.
Folks, thank you for your intelligent analysis. Marvene, I think we need to reach out to the youth, who are clearly drawn to Michael Steele's hip hop stylings. However, if the RNC decides to drop him for a more establishment African American (i.e. Ken Blackwell), then I will say the experiment needed to stop and that the chief should speak to older people like Marvene and Maek rather than the youth. Basically, what we're doing now is fine and correct, until we decide to change course, at which point what we'll be doing then will be fine and correct. Either way, I am fine with which ever African American we choose to head the RNC...either Michael Steele, or that one other guy.
Wow, Michael Steele is so righteous and black. How is the black xommunity resisting this modern day pieyed piper? Obviously the liberals have brainwashed them and they just don't know what's good for themselves.
I'm reading about the good Justice Clarence Thomas. He makes some of the points you make Sagacious. The black community plays the victim all the time, its about time they stopped this PC stuff and pulled themselves by their bootstraps and/or Nike laces. Really, Civil Rights was passed 50 years ago, a black man (actually, an Arabian Moslim born in Kenya/Zanzibar) is president, thus there is no more racism. Blacks should stop playing the victim and attacking good people like Clarence Thomas. What they did to him 19 years ago in his confirmation hearings were just appalling. Just because he doesn't agree with the black community and lamestream media. They are just mad Justice Thomas is a free thinker. They should stop attacking him out of blind reverse racism, like they are attacking Michael Steele. But basically my point is I wish the black community would stop playing victim all the time and get to the issues that matter.
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