Seeing that Rand Paul has come to the correct opinions with regards to the Civil Rights Act (at least one of the titles), the Fair Housing Act, the American's With Disability Act, the EPA, the Department of Education, Obama-style takeover of our health care system (especially the ramming part of it), etc. etc., I must also assume that Alex Jones shares those views. I have not heard much of Alex, I usually just rely on what Winston tells me. And most of it sounds just plain smart, especially to a rock-ribbed Christian Conservative like me. I also approve of his pointing at the camera. That just looks cool.
I will assume that Mr. Paul will correct his views on Israel, foreign interventions, and a willingness to appear on lefty, lesbian, latte-sipping, limousine liberal shows. He has already done a good job by blaming Rachel Maddow for his failures in the interview the other night. It was abusive to keep asking the same question over and over, especially since Dr. Rand Paul is so clear on the issue.
Clearly, he only has a problem with only one of the titles of the Civil Rights Act. The part about banning discrimination for private businesses. Its only a problem if the federal government does it, that is for sure. Dr. Paul even said he'd have voted for the Act, because the South had all those problems in the 1960's. I'm sure noting the location and timeframe when the racial discrimination took place says absolutely nothing about his views with respect to the Act in the current time and place. Plus, he even said he would have walked hand in hand with MLK had he not been 2 years old. He couldn't walk in a march then, his legs would have been too small. I have taken some of my step-nephews with me to a Tea Party rally, I know how hard it is for the youngins. Plus, they were just terrible the whole time, so that is a mistake I won't make again.