Good Ole Karl Rove
said it right a few months ago....Obama is a ruthless Chicago-style politician. He is even scarier and more ruthless than Nancy Pelosi, she the purveyor of San Francisco values. Lets look at recent history....
1. Obama appoints this black radical
Van Jones as enviro-wacko Czar, then it comes out he said 9-11 was an inside job and used the A-word to malign Republicans. Cursing is just beyond the pale, especially when Republicans have been so gentle to Obama, so why is he still
on the job? I'll tell you why...Obama is a ruthless Chicago-style politician!
2. Obama plans to indoctrinate our students by speaking to them on Tuesday. This is so outrageous, as
no other president had ever done anything similar to that in the past ever!!! His
continued plans to brainwash our youth despite public outcry proves one thing....Obama is a ruthless Chicago-style politician!
3. Obama has the Congress write its ObamaCare plans, which will involve a government takeover of our hospitals and Medicare.
Additionally, it will give money to Acorn and free health care to illegals, also. Yet Obama
still plans to push through his
radical leftist plans for a single-payer, Canada style system, which just goes to show....Obama is a ruthless Chicago-style politician!
4. To pass his radical Canadian-style health care bill, Obama is planning to use a process called reconciliation, or what
Fox News calls the "
nuclear option". That has never been used before and Republicans would never entertain the thought of changing Senate rules,
unless it was for a good reason. Once again, the proof is in the pudding.....Obama is a ruthless Chicago-style politician!
I could go on an on how Obama has stuck to his radical leftist agenda in the face of overwhelming, spontaneous, horizontal, grassroots opposition, but I think you get the point. Obama doesn't care what public opinion is, which is something that
Hitler probably did too. So say it with me.....Obama is a ruthless Chicago-style politician!
Case closed.