Well, just when I was getting used to having a black man for a president along comes Burlesconi, the prime minister of Italy. He is under the impression that Obama just has a very good tan and apparently his wife also vacationed at the beach.
"I bring you greetings from a person who is called...a person who is sun-tanned...Barack Obama," the smiling 72-year-old politician told a crowd of cheering supporters in Milan on Sunday. "You wouldn't believe it, but they go sunbathing at the beach together - his wife is also sun-tanned."
Great post marvene, although I don't really get it. I did have to edit your post because the last few words were a small blue font, which is hard to see against our red background. Try not to change between font styles and colors too much unless you clean it up in the "edit html" window. Good work though :)
Thanks for the help on the fonts. To clarify: We've been debating on Obama's birth status - whether he is a U.S. citizen or not - and now we find out he might not even be black; he just stayed too long at the beach.
Oh I see Marvene, very good points. I, however, do not doubt that Obama is of African descent, given that he is really from Kenya/Zanzibar and his father was a Kenyan moslim who introduced him to Qaddafi and Louis Farrakhan and he had that one staffer in Houston had a Che Guevara flag on the wall in the campaign office.
Clearly he's a black radical Communist Socialist Fascist secret-Moslem not born in this country out to destroy our capitalistic free enterprise system from within. Its not just a tan.
President Obama is technically a mullato Christian from Chicago you dolt.
Your hatred will consume you either here or in hell. You choose.
With your kind of language.. you seem to hate us. Why are you so mean and nasty to us? :(
It's the only language you understand and perpetuate.
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