Tuesday, November 24, 2009

The CLF's Got Talent!!!!

Hey all. I was wanting to take a slight diversion from our usual high brow analysis of policy debates of the day. Michelle, who is currently at church, just texted me about her little Spencer....
Reg, chk U-toob. Surch "child prodigy plays piano". Spncr is soo talintd
Well, I immediately stopped what I was doing and went to the YouTube site. And to my great surprise it was little Spencer showing off his chops at tickling the ivory.

Tell me what you think of the youngest member of the CLF. Needless to say, Michelle is very proud of her little guy. I think its great, considering his past problems with outbursts of colorful language. I'm glad he's channeling that rage into more artistic endeavors. :)


wfp in W-by-GOD-V! said...

Ahhh...the sweet sound of a youngster learning to play hymns...it brought a tear to my eye...

I am going to look in my King James Bible though...I don't recall any mention of a truck. Still, we'll have him playing the organ before you know it and he'll be set for church. My only concern is to whether he was overcome with a demon of some sort...he seemed to be playing with vigor and the music at church should never be played with such enthusiasm...

Anonymous said...

Michele Bachmann spells her name with only one "l". Can you please get this straight in your thick skull.

Bachmann2012 said...

Well I spell my name with two "l's", but thanks for stopping by anony. :)

wvp, I have difficulty handling the little guy as he is now writing songs about black monsters. Perhaps demonic tendencies? Our Wednesday service was rather frightened, to say the least.

Reggie N. said...

Anonymous, once again, our Michelle is not the Michele you are thinking about. She is not the great Michele Bachmann from Minnesota, she is the very good Michelle Bennett from right here in WV. And I am not Mike Huckabee, although I honor him with my avatar. Why is it so hard for you to understand that?

WFP, I agree about the lack of the word "truck" in the Bible. However, I think Spencer could have been referring to a chariot. He should be consulted by those smart conservatives who are rewriting the Bible to remove the liberal stuff and correcting the record to reflect only conservative ideals.

wfp in W-by-GOD-V! said...

Chariot! Of course...thanks for setting me straight!


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