You may know that it is part of my Church's mission to visit those in trouble with the law. During my recent visitation with J.C. he directed my attention to the beautiful artwork in his hallway that was also a very useful switchplate. So Reggie all may not be lost with this wayward lamb. He may yet live up to his initials.
"Throw da' bum out!"
My all time favorite Tea-Party 2009quote....
Thank you Marvene. That switchplate warms my heart given the recent denigration of the initials J.C. The recent local arrest really has me concerned. Coincidentally, didn't J.C. Penny go bankrupt or something recently.
I swear, sometimes I think the world is lost with the Christians having lost all its power. We are just a persecuted group I tell you. So what there are a billion Christians in the world? And so what if Christians are 90% of the US of A? And so what if we completely control one major party and at least one half of the other major party in this country?
I was reading Tom Delay's book again last night, and he had it pegged. Christians are being persecuted like no other. But he said to stay strong and overcome, and I will. Look at all Tom Delay has overcome, what with his multiple indictments. That right there proves we are being persecuted....as we speak, many of our leaders are being prosecuted or investigated or indicated for supposed crimes from the liberal dominated federal judiciary that has been packed with liberal activists by our presidents over the past 28 years.
Sorry, I am just upset and I really appreciate your efforts to raise my spirits Marvene. But I do worry for our republic. I would like to leave you with a poem that I made up and is completely original.
First they came for Tom Delay, and I said nothing, because I am not Tom Delay.
Then they came for Sarah Palin, and I said nothing, because I am not Sarah Palin, but I was upset, because she is pretty (although they haven't totally persecuted her yet, they will, they will)
Then they came for me, because there were only 270 million other Christians and there was no one else.
Michelle, I agree that was a favorite of mine too from the Fox news coverage. I so wish I had gone :(
Look at that switch plate again. It is in the up position between his legs and between those two innocent children. You know what that means - Christ has a boner.
Thanks for the heads "up" Fuido. Otherwise none of us would have realized. :|
I am as worried as you are about the persecution of us Christians. The ladies at the church circle are not praying for the beagle anymore as he succombed to the cancer. We are on our knees daily for poor Mr. Cheney these days. I think the Obaminators are gunning for him. Its too bad he's not a better shot. We are also worried about his health. He is so pale.
He is pale because his boner is up and it takes all the blood away from the dear interrogator.
Fuido, I'm sure many of us would rather you not speak with such a blasphemous tongue. Marvene is having major anxiety over this and refuses to participate if she has to read some of this sinful talk. It wasn't her fault she didn't understand her picture.
Note: B**ner should not be confused with Boehner.
Bachmann. You got it wrong. Boehner changed his name from Boner so that people would not think he was depraved.
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